Beckford Parish Council are currently assisting in the setting up of a Community Speed Watch (CSW) group with Police from Evesham Police Station. In order for the group to be established, we...
October 2024
Come and join the Wellbeing Team for a Cuppa at Beckford Village Hall to talk about what ONSIDE can do to support you or your loved ones.
Cuppa with...
West Mercia Police – Message from Local Officers
As you will be aware, there has been a change to the local police officers covering various areas. Myself, PC Ben Trowman and PCSO Harris now collectively look after Elmley Castle, Hinton...
M5 Junction 9 & A46 (Ashchurch) Transport Scheme Engagement
Gloucestershire County Council is engaging on potential route options as part of an improvement scheme at M5 Junction 9 and A46 through Ashchurch. The scheme would provide a new M5 Junction 9a south...