Gritting Self Help
With the long term weather forecast suggesting another cold and prolonged winter, Beckford parish Council has invested in two push-along gritters to enable easy and swift gritting of the pavements and roads in the village, along with an initial two ton delivery of rock salt. This is in addition to the green grit bins which were provided 2 years ago and placed in the following locations, outside the village hall, Back Lane at the entrance to Beckford Close and at the Little Beckford turning on the A46. The limited resources of the Parish Council Lengthsman’s scheme will allow for the grit bins to be topped up periodically however, spreading of grit in icy and snowy conditions will be very much a self-help exercise for the whole community to participate in. One gritter will be located in Blacksmiths Lane, Little Beckford. The other currently needs a secure but accessible home in Beckford. The gritters will be available to all who wish to “muck in” and help keep our community moving. High visibility vests, gloves and shovels can be provided and these activities will be covered by the Parish Councils’ insurance. As a timely reminder, the yellow Highways Authority grit bins located at Western Hill Road, Blacksmiths Lane and by the bridge on Station Road are strictly for spreading on the roads. The Green BPC bins are for use on pavements. Last winter, Parish Councillors received phone calls asking for “something to be done” about icy pavements and we have now provided the solution.